Pizza is one of the quintessential snack foods. You can make one with breakfast ingredients, or for lunch and dinner. The truth of the matter is you’ll likely find a lot of people with their own perfect pizza recipe, so you shouldn’t be afraid to tinker with this one. By changing toppers, you change flavor profiles. A few options include black olives, minced garlic, cilantro, red onion, bacon, mushroom slices, pineapple, and banana peppers.

This particular recipe utilizes a wood-fired pizza grill. If you’re not fortunate enough to have one, you can use your regular grill instead. Make sure to have maple, ash, or oak smoking wood handy in either case. Pizza dough responds very well to those flavors.

Certain restaurants offer a type of Mexican Pizza, which is more like a pizza sandwich. This recipe follows suit. Making it this way keeps the toppings from sliding off. It also creates a hardier slice.

Mexican-Style Pizza

Pizza is one of the quintessential snack foods. You can make one with breakfast ingredients, or for lunch and dinner. The truth of the matter is you’ll likely find a lot of people with their own perfect pizza recipe, so you shouldn’t be afraid to tinker with this one. By changing toppers, you change flavor profiles. A few options include black olives, minced garlic, cilantro, red onion, bacon, mushroom slices, pineapple, and banana peppers.
This particular recipe utilizes a wood-fired pizza grill. If you’re not fortunate enough to have one, you can use your regular grill instead. Make sure to have maple, ash, or oak smoking wood handy in either case. Pizza dough responds very well to those flavors.
Certain restaurants offer a type of Mexican Pizza, which is more like a pizza sandwich. This recipe follows suit. Making it this way keeps the toppings from sliding off. It also creates a hardier slice.


  • 1 lb. hamburger
  • 1 packet taco seasoning
  • ¼ cup minced white onion
  • 4 oz green chilis
  • Pizza dough for two crusts ((store-bought is fine))
  • Enchilada sauce or salsa
  • 2 cups Mexican cheese, (shredded)
  • 1 firm tomato
  • Green onion ((garnish))


  • Set up the pizza stove so the wood starts heating up (looking for 450-500 F).
  • Fry up the ground beef (80/20 is good), then drain off the excess fat but for a tablespoon.
  • Sautee the onions and green chilis, then mix them with the meat.
  • Set aside.
  • Lay out the dough on any flat surface safe for your oven.
  • Cook it partially, for 7 minutes. It will not be browned yet.
  • Top one of the crusts with the meat, enchilada sauce, and one cup of cheese.
  • Top one of the crusts with the meat, enchilada sauce, and one cup of cheese.
  • Sprinkle this with the rest of the cheese, tomato slices, and green onion.
  • Return the pie to the pizza oven until the cheese melts and the crust is finished cooking (about another 7 minutes).
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