Taste the nocturne of noon with Noon Nocturne Cheese and Crackers. The sharp cheese paired with crisp crackers plays a nocturne as intriguing and delightful as high noon.

Ingredients A selection of your favorite cheeses A variety of crackers A handful of grapes A few sprigs of fresh rosemary for garnish Honey to drizzle

Instructions Arrange the cheeses and crackers on a platter.

Add a handful of grapes and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary for garnish.

Drizzle a little honey over the cheese and serve.

Noon Nocturne Cheese and Crackers brings the intriguing nocturne of noon to your snack time, the combination of sharp cheese and crisp crackers creating a melody as satisfying and delightful as high noon. It’s an elegant and satisfying snack, perfect for a leisurely and indulgent afternoon.

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