Invite enchantment to your brunch with Mid-Morning Medley Baked Avocado Eggs. The creamy avocado cradling a perfectly baked egg is a melodic medley as whimsical as a mid-morning lark’s song.

Ingredients 2 avocados 4 eggs Salt and pepper to taste Fresh herbs for garnish Hot sauce (optional)

Instructions Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). Halve the avocados and remove the pits.

Crack an egg into each avocado half. Season with salt and pepper.

Bake for 15 minutes, or until the eggs are cooked to your liking.

Garnish with fresh herbs and hot sauce if desired.

Mid-Morning Medley Baked Avocado Eggs bring the whimsy of a lark’s song to your brunch, the harmonious combination of creamy avocado and rich egg making a wonderfully satisfying and nutritious dish. It’s a delightful twist on traditional eggs for brunch.

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